Paddy Leung is an artist, educator & activist based in Toronto, Ontario.


New Sky

︎ BIG on Bloor Festival of Arts & Culture - Curated by Darren Leu
︎ Installation
︎ Toronto, ON
︎ July 2017

The BIG on Bloor Festival of Arts & Culture is a community and city-building festival presenting hundreds of culturally significant events, activities, displays, and exhibitions. Organized by BIG (Bloor Improvement Group), the Festival is a summer event presented along a car-free stretch of Bloor Street West between Dufferin and Lansdowne to celebrate local arts, culture, and community.

Artist Statement

On June 1st the world celebrates International Children’s Day. Especially poignant this year in the light of a growing international refugee crisis, I aimed to create a safe space that celebrates and welcomes children and their families to the BIG on Bloor Festival. Inspired by Japanese fish kites, (or Knoinobori) as you walk below, the sky streamers in an immersive display of colour and movement. I hope that my work serves as a reminder of the magic and innocence of childhood - something that we must always seek to preserve by elevating the needs of a child above our own.

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Paddy Leung | PUFF Paddy. all rights reserved.